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A nationwide business consisting of twenty-one luxury establishments, QHotels takes an active interest in recycling. Food waste collections had already been put in place at certain sites in the south of England when we approached them with the proposal of implementing a far more comprehensive programme.
ReFood were really interested in our Green Credentials, and they have helped us improve ours significantly.”
Peter Horn, Senior Maintenance Manager, QHotels

We proposed an initial three month trial at a number of sites across the country. At the end of this period the diversion of waste from general waste collections and subsequent disposal to landfill had achieved considerable cost savings for QHotels.


Following the success of the initial trial, QHotels asked ReFood to expand the food waste collection service to cover all their north of England sites. This has helped QHotels achieve cost savings as well as delivering their recycling targets.

13,255 kWh
Of enegery produced per annum.
48.9 tonnes
Of waste produced per annum.
39.12 tonnes
Of bio-fertiliser produced per annum.
22.5 tonnes
Of CO2 saved annually.
ReEnergise your business with ReFood
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