Local authorities

Maximising the capture of household food is also seen to be a critical governmental focus.
With recycling high on the political agenda and food waste accounting for one third of the average resident’s waste, we understand that food disposal and sustainability targets are a key focus for local authorities.
Maximising the capture of household food is also seen to be a critical governmental focus. Add to this the spiralling costs of landfill disposal, and it’s easy to see why there is a growing need for a greener and cheaper alternative.
The ReFood difference
Reduce food waste disposal costs by 50%*
Divert food waste from landfill and work sustainably
Minimise environmental impact and capital outlay
Benefit from a transparent and quantifiable recycling service
Avoid increased landfill tax and escalating disposal costs
Boost the local economy and benefit the local community – we’re proud to say that
Enjoy the peace of mind of partnering with a well-established organisation that continually evolves to meet your needs
ReEnergise your business with ReFood
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